Why we are lacking enough protective equipment during pandemic and what should we do in the future.

RG L – Miscellaneous contemporary topics

The audiences I want to engage with are those people who are in need of enormous PPE products and those businessmen and politicians who are producing these products or managing these products. I exactly know that in political and commercial world, most people are controlled by their own interests and the essay I wrote will never be seen or heard by these people. From this view, I think I am totally different from these men. But I did a large quantity of work to investigate the truth and found the problem only because that I think as long as there are more and more people stand out and point out of the problems of the government or the big companies, our world will improve and be better. And especially in my text, I showed a brief introduction of my work which contained the reasons and suggestions for “why and how” problems of lacking enough PPE during coronavirus pandemic.

The “text” I designed is a power point. The main color of my power point is black and this is just adapted to the feelings of my tone, which is sad, unsatisfied and pressing. The language I use was English because English is kind of more world-wide language than others and I hope more countries and people could hear my voice and do something. I organized the power point by the orders of title, reasons, suggestions and endings so that readers will be easier to understand my feelings and what I want to say.

For this power point and the essay what I wrote about it, I hope that they can be published in some important newspapers or journals and be seen by the presidents or the prime ministers of different countries and those factories owners who are running those PPE producing companies. I want them to change their attitudes of making money or only maintain their own interests but do something to those people in need. I acknowledge that my “text” is too simple and cannot express all my feelings but I just want to show those simplest things or problems that we still cannot fix. I hope that more and more people can join to tell the world that nowadays the society system especially the government need to do something to care for those vulnerable groups when there are emergencies in the world and the world is our human-beings’, we need to come together as a whole.

3 thoughts on “Why we are lacking enough protective equipment during pandemic and what should we do in the future.

  1. This new book The Financial Syѕtem Limit explains ᴡhy
    private sector debt matters fɑr morе than government debt.
    Τһe author sayѕ:
    “Тotal debt matters … tһe sum of government debt, corporate plus banking syѕtеm debt and personal debt.”

    “Leaving tһе European single market ԝill now lead Britain tо a slower, ⅼess effective recovery …
    tһan the rest of Europe.”

    “Before tһe pandemic, tһe ԝorld аs a whօle was
    ϳust օver half-way to achieving Puerto Rican default conditions.”

    “The tragedy is that the authorities ɗo not admit to thе debt trap.
    The farce, tһat their policies worsen іt.”

    These statements all appear in thіѕ book:
    ebook9781907230776 in aall ɡood e-book stores noԝ , tһree print editions.
    Paperback ɑvailable noѡ in many countries except USΑ and UK,
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