Category: RG D – Methods and issues in Chinese education

RG D – Methods and issues in Chinese education

Growth Mindset – how we have been doing it wrongly

Author’s Thinking Rhetorically Note
The targeted audience of my video is those who are directly involved in the educational field, in particular would be teachers (then students and parents). As there can be a considerable age gap between teachers and students, I decided to use a video as the form of my multimodal text so that it could be something both teenagers and adults will want to read. In terms of teachers, they are different from me in the sense that they are experienced working class adults, therefore they might see my arguments as somewhat immature. On the other hand, teachers and I share the same qualities in the sense that I assume most teachers are individuals who care about education and they have (to different extent) exposed to the idea of growth mindset, with them being the ones implementing it, whereas I serve as the ‘being implemented’ perspective. As I wish to reach out to the most grassroot level of teachers, I will be using simple diction and straightforward example that are very relatable to most teachers. I believe my text will connect well with most teachers that have heard of growth mindset as I present my argument mostly by using classroom-related analogies. The video is relatively short, but condensed, and it consists of the main points I wish to convey to the teachers.
I organized the flow of my video slightly different from my EADA text as I move the simplest analogy – the ineffectiveness of using motivation as a grade booster – as my first point because I believe that is something very common among schools. Only until the middle part of my video that I begin to insert points that require more thoughts and reflections as the pace of my video slows down. To make the video engaging and certain important points to stand out, I make use of highlighting some of my texts or by enlarging their font size relative to descriptive points. I believe my video would fit best on social media platform as it consists of important knowledge that most people would care about, at the same time being conveyed in layman terms. The primary objective of this video is to gain widespread attention and to stimulate the general public’s skepticism about growth mindset, therefore social media that has a large amount of users will work perfectly.